Unlike many of my gay male brethren in particular I am not a great fan of the big screen. A consistent theme in my life has been to almost exclusively read non-fiction books and that spills over these days to
Category: SAGE Story Telling Group
Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson (August 19th, 1952 – August 11th, 2106) a pioneer and chronicler of gay men’s lives with particular focus on the phenomenon of gay male spiritualty, defined and given direction in part by the Radical Fairie movement, died this
I lived on a farm in Northern Indiana until the age of sixteen. Though we were as far as you could be from the toxic reality of today’s factory farms there certainly were plenty of animals raised that met their
Setting Up House
Having moved many times in my adult life and once while still living at home with my parents I am quite familiar with setting up house. The first move in my teenage years was when my family left Northern Indiana
My Happiest Day/Leaving
From the Pali Canon: The Buddha was speaking to a group of monks. He said, “Monks, suppose that this great earth were totally covered with water and a man were to toss a yoke with a single hole into the water.
The Solar System
“If the Universe doesn’t care about us and if we’re an accident in a remote corner of the Universe, in some sense it makes us more precious. The meaning in our lives is provided by us; we provide our own
Birthdays – Capricorn to Sagittarius
My birthday is January 12th and I was born in 1949 in LaPorte Indiana. So for my first 67.5 years of life on earth I was per popular astrology a Capricorn. I did have my astronomical chart drawn and calculated
Definitions of rejoice include showing great joy or delight. For me personally this is something I find impossible following the results of the presidential election on November 8th. I refuse to look for any silver lining and do not accept
Well this phrase certainly sums up the entire “gay agenda” now doesn’t it? One of the insidious accusations pitched our way around a “gay agenda” is that we need to recruit to our ranks. Reproducing, per conventional wisdom, is not
Aw Shucks The Politics of Pizza and Wombs
The phrase “aw shucks” implies to me a bit of ‘good ole boy” perhaps false naiveté with a layer of self-consciousness around something or the other. That is a phrase I really do not relate too. I am much more