Radical Gay Politics
My community and political work in the gay world started in earnest in the mid-1970’s at what was then called the Gay Community Center of Colorado located on Lafayette street in Denver. A fortunate circumstance involving the movie The Word is Out and a lesbian friend named Katherine led to my meeting Harry Hay and John Burnside in 1978.
Harry and John became mentors and guides for me not only in the world of the Radical Fairies but politically and socially in a much broader sense. Harry was convinced that us Queer folk were a distinct cultural minority. He felt we had many unactualized gifts to bring to the human banquet. Our goal as gay people was to address the following questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? What are we for?
This view of gayness continues to direct my LGBT community work. That we are fundamentally different (not necessarily better) in many ways from the heterosexual majority and that it is these differences that define our essence seems patently obvious to me, and rarely do these difference involve what we do in bed.
My spiritual, primarily Buddhist, work over the past couple decades though has led me to the realization that it is all really just one taste. I always liked Harry’s analogy about different windows on the world. Gay people may look out of a different window and therefore see things a bit differently but when all is said and done it is just one world.
Index of Articles:
- Community – That Elusive Necessity
- Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are
- Community and Movement
- Male Homosexual Cultures!
- A Separate People Whose Time Has Come!
- The Word is Out (note: continued on multiple pages)
- Ripples
- Aliens from Uranus
- The Resort
- The Opera
- Disease and My Deepest Passions
- Falling or Being in love
- Feeling Different
- Halloween
- How I got to Denver
- My Favorite Holiday
- Teacher – SAM
- Depravity
- Queer Identity Politics (30 years ago) (note: continued on multiple pages)
- Down To The River
- Juvenile Crimes
- Communications
- The Drama Queen
- Fingers and Toes
- War, the Draft and History
- Life in the Big City by the Bay
- Reflections on Bayard Rustin for MLK Day, 2013
- A Profound Ongoing Motivation
- Exaggeration
- Keeping the Peace
- What is the Real Spirit of Stonewall?
- For A Good Time
- The Magic of Chelsea Manning
- Summer Camp
- Flying (High)
- Letter to my Younger Self
- Patriotism
- Discovery
- Mushrooms
- Gay Music
- Revelation the Key to Our Revolution
- Camping (it up)
- Competition